• Email us:-
  • info@taptisoftware.com


Our Services

Web Design & Development

We offer fully customized web design & development services based on the client's requirements.

Mobile Application

Our mobile application development services help you market challenges.build applications specific business requirements.

Custom Software

We offers software development services across various platforms and industry verticals.

Web Application

our company provide custom ,beautiful,unique logo design services from professional logo designers.

Online Marketing

We provide technology & business consulting services to business and company looking their IT requirements.

Domain & Hosting

Domain registration is one of the major services of our company.request your domain registration with your domain.

Microsoft technologies:- asp.net,c#.net,vb.net,windows services
    Sun technologies:- Java, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Hibernate, J2EE, J2ME
    Open sources:- php,cake php implementing codeigniter and object oriented programming     concepts

What We Offer

we offer fully customized web development service based on the client's requirements and their business goals. We make the right use of modern technologies like php,wordpress,asp.net,Flash,Flex,Cold fusion etc. and high quality of creativity.

  • Website development.
  • E-commerce website design and development
  • Social networking websites.
  • Travel/News portals
  • Website maintenance
  • Flash website development
  • Classified websites

Who We Are